Sunday, September 12, 2010

Marathon Missed :(

Well my cough has turned into a nightmare.  Still sounding like I've chain smoked for the past twenty years (I don't smoke), the pouring rain, and Hubby's sleepless night were all indicators that a half-marathon was not in the day's destiny.  We wound up going to early mass, eating eggs and whole-wheat toast, and calling it a morning.  

Between the rain and the missed marathon, I'm feeling pretty blue.  Top it off with a bit of guilt ($150 spent to enter the race), it's shaping up to be a glum day.  But Hubby, my favorite person in the world, spins this into a positive.  He said, "if it took $150 and the prospect of a race to keep us faithful to our training for 11 straight weeks, then this race was still worth it."  And he's right (again).  We have been doing so well at keeping up with our training, we've both remarked repeatedly how much better we feel.  In turn, we've used our training to help us make better food choices at the grocery store.  Definitely worth the entry.  Not to mention the fact that it supports our local hospital network.  Another positive.  

So I'm turning the glum into some fun.  We are celebrating my sister's birthday this weekend and I'm excited for Sunday family dinner.  The priest this morning gave us homework during his homily.  We are supposed to think throughout the week of the handful of people closest to us.  Then we are supposed to think of all of their positive traits.  In doing this, it will inspire more positive thinking in our day-to-day lives while also helping us appreciate those closest to us. I thought it was a lovely message for the day and I will actually do this homework! (I have been known to skip homework at times.)  

Last night I fell in love.  I fell in love with the most adorable kitten on the planet.  A little kitten from a dairy farm and no one knows exactly what happened to her…the top theories are that she was stepped on by a cow or caught in some milking machinery.  Either way, she has two broken front legs (hence the bright yellow casts).  Her temporary name is Bobo (which the name won’t stay if we keep her).  One of my best friend’s mom is her foster owner until someone can adopt her.  When we were over last night to visit, it was so hard not to love her!  We are taking the week to decide if we are capable and ready for a kitten.   I’m typically anti-pet owning, but I’m sure you can see why this little is having me whistle a different tune!  Here's Hubby with the cutest kitty...her casts matched his T-Shirt! (a sign?!)

Hubby with the world's cutest kitten!

Some house pictures!

My Target Chairs...I'm obsessed :)

Fresh Bread (the yellow) and Vino (the back wall)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Mass (I just got back from LIFE at our church. I'm an RCIA candidate, my hubby is Catholic.) That kitten is ADORABLE. Looks a little or a lot like our Zelda (hope you've seen her photo). Kittens are sooo much fun! And easy! I still can't decide if dogs are easier than cats or vice versa ... one day I might figure it out, but I think they all have their ups and downs so it's a wash. I wish I had room for that little kitten. We saw a beautiful cat at Target yesterday that looked like our George. I wanted to take him home so badly but we don't know if he has any diseases and he was very skittish. But when my husband got back from making a return, I was in the parking lot trying to make friends with the kitten. He was so cute! Hard to resist, but we told someone we know that rescues cats about him. So hopefully she'll go get him. On that marathon, what is wrong with your cough? Are you OK? Just taking time for it to go away? I hope you feel better soon. There is something positive to be had in the better eating and training! That's fabulous! Keep it up. And also, I love Target and the walls.
