Tuesday, August 24, 2010

10 K-O, what a knockout...I'm DOWN!

Well blog friends...I am in a slump.  I have been feeling under the weather since the 10K and the Hubby has reclaimed his place in the kitchen during my slump.  He's doing well and in good spirits, but I feel like RR would be disappointed with me.   She probably cooks for her Hubby even when she is sick.  Sigh.  Still, Hubby and I did finish the 10K and in great time for us...one hour and 2 minutes...exactly a ten minute mile pace!  But after the race and the days since, I've felt both beat up and blue...a combo of under the weather and mentally bruised somehow...lots of stresses in lots of areas...more on that later though.

I also got into a spat with my SILs (Sister in Laws)...they can be a tough bunch at times.  It reverts me back to high school.  There is a cool table, they are all sitting at it, occasionally glaring over at me -- letting me know there is no room for me there, best to stick at the lame table.  Which I do.  Anyway, said spat was really ridiculous (as all high school arguments are), and I'd rather not comment about it anymore...does anyone else struggle to get "in" with their new family?

The bottom line is Hubby is super supportive, but I feel badly when he is put in the middle.  I am so lucky though, most wives complain that their Hubby's never consider their point of view when it comes to the fam...I am so lucky!  Still, I won't pretend I'm always right -- I will just say that I try.  I do not always succeed (in fact most often I fail miserably in the new family department).  I keep looking forward to the day when I have a baby to look after the entire time, so it won't be as obvious that I am just there not fitting in...then I will be busy.  Until then, I will continue to try, try, try.... eventually I will have to improve -- right?!

Well, I've missed my training and my cooking...here's hoping that tomorrow goes better than today.   As the Japanese proverb says..."Fall seven times, stand up eight."

I am standing up tomorrow.  Are you?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pre-10K Pasta Dinner...

Cooking like RR … back in the kitchen!

We have a 10K race tomorrow, so I thought a pasta dinner would be appropriate.  I cooked Rachael Ray’s recipe…”Bucatini and Broccolini”  This link is actually slightly different from the version in her more recent magazine (the recipe I used was the magazine version).

We didn’t have Bucatini (hollow spaghetti) in our grocery store so I bought regular whole-wheat spaghetti instead.  It didn’t seem to matter.  It was really yummy and by far the easiest RR recipe I’ve cooked to date!  Score!  

Here is the final product:

Hubby kept complimenting the flavors!  He’s really sweet and was happy with the pre-race meal.  I am hoping it gives us the energy we need to do well!  Now of course it wouldn’t be me cooking an RR recipe without messing something up!  I didn’t put enough of the green stuff in the dish!  I thought it was brocoolini OR broccoli rabe, but I think Rach meant both.  Oops.  Anyway, it seemed to still be yummy (although I doubt Hubby would ever ask for more veggies…haha)!!!

Well tonight we are off to a movie (I like to be distracted the night before a race because I worry)…going to see Jennifer Anniston (my favorite) and Jason Bateman (one of Hubby’s favorites) to the switch!  I have grand plans of smuggling in popcorn and bottled water…I’ll let you know how it goes!

Here is a link if you want to try it!  It was more like a 20 minute meal, not a 30min! Hooray!   Some fresh bread or garlic knots would have really kicked this meal from a 9 to a 10 rating, but a nine is still pretty fabulous!  It made plenty -- we definitely have a post-race meal ready too! (Here is a shot of it before we topped it with cheese -- YUM!

 Don't you love my pasta bowl?  It was a gift from my brother's girlfriend.  She has the best taste!  I hope she becomes my SIL someday! 

What was the best date you and your Hubby/Wife had?  What made it so special?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Truth About Hubby...

Well this will not be a cooking RR post because I had dinner with two of my girlfriends, the A’s…yay!  After planning for 2 months and rescheduling 3 times, we  finally met for dinner last night.  I’m still very excited about it!  This almost ever happens anymore!  Happy Dance!!!  It was lots of fun, plenty of catching up and laughing!

And tonight, Hubby and I are going out to celebrate one of our “monthery”s (we celebrate month milestones since we haven’t hit a year).  Two nights in a row -- out to eat and out of the kitchen, look at me!  I'm like a celebrity!  Break out the oversized shades!

Something else I’m excited about was to receive my first ever comments!  It is nice to know someone is reading, I feel a little lonely sometimes in this huge web of Internet!  And I know there are many entertaining things on here to do…so thanks for spending time with me!  Check Out OurDogBuffy’s fun and funny blog!  I know I’m enjoying it!   I also really like Caitlin’s Healthy Tipping Point.   Her blog is what got me hooked on blogs…I can’t wait to buy her book!

So the truth about Hubby.  I think that my blog makes him seem like he is a fan of running.  Not even close!  While he doesn’t mind it, he doesn’t look forward to it.  He will run though if there is a “goal” (hence the half marathon).  We’ve also done some 5Ks   and a 10 mile race.  So this half-marathon will be the longest distance ever for us!  It’s really scary when you think about it! 13.1 miles! YIKES!

Hubby really runs because I am terrified of dogs.  Embarrassing, yes.  True, yes.   Let’s chalk it up to a bad experience as a child coupled with never living with a dog.  They terrify me.  Don’t hate me animal lovers – I said afraid, not hate!  There is a difference!  Anyway, I convinced him that this was cheaper than a gym membership (Hubby loves to save a buck)…and it worked!  I can’t run alone because of my fear…and so the Hubby helps me!

We have been running consistently for about 10 weeks.  Before that we were off and on, not really faithful to it.  We’d like to keep it up though so we are looking for a winter race and a spring one to keep the motivation alive!  Definitely not professionals…we are those people that look like they are hurting every step of the way! Ha-ha!  But it’s getting better, and that’s the key!

Have you ever seen the show – Clean House – it is so incredibly scary!  I like things clean and neat so that show literally makes my skin crawl.  But it’s like an accident or something, I have to look!  I have to know!  It’s like when you squish a bug – you have to check to make sure you got him!

I’m getting into yoga as a cross-training method, but would like some other ideas.  Before you suggest it, I can’t swim.  I mean I can, but I can’t.  It’s not pretty! 

Are any newlyweds thinking about babies?  When is the "ideal" time to have a baby?  Do you have baby fever?  I am starting to dawdle through the baby section in Target – I might be warming up to the fever! 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Yum-O Chicken Salad

So today I made Rachael Ray’s “Chicken Salad with Yogurt-Ranch Dressing” for dinner.  It was Yum-O!

It was a little icky taking apart the rotisserie chicken, but after a while it wasn’t too bad.  I got used to it and may have developed some carving skills in the process. 

The final result was very tasty and it is surprisingly healthy.  I made it with Greek yogurt and that kept it creamy without being fattening.  I served the salad on small toasted baguette rounds.  That is different from RR’s suggestion, but it was my last chance with the bread we had in the house….so I was trying to be thrifty! Plus, I already sent hubby out for the chicken and celery.  (Would it be me cooking in the kitchen without a missing ingredient!) 

Here is the final result….

We have plenty leftover so tomorrow’s lunch is taken care of too!  I think this recipe would be perfect for a summer picnic or if you try it my way (on the small baguette rounds) could be a cool/different appetizer to have on hand.  Hubby very much approved!  He came to the table and said, “TAPAS!”  Yay!  He loved them and I love how he is cleaning the kitchen after our dinners! 

This will be a short post today.  I am really tired after our five mile run this morning!  We did pretty well…right around 50 minutes.  We have a 10K race this weekend, I hope we are ready! 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Grilling Goddess

I am thrilled to announce that I conquered my fear of grilling!  AND…it wasn’t that bad!  Nay, it was awesome!  First of all, it was not nearly as difficult as I imagined.  Second, Rachael Ray’s recipe came out EXACTLY like the picture! 

Here’s her picture (It could be mine, you’d never know!)


Here is the link to her recipe.  I'm so proud of myself.  Hubby supervised the entire experience, but he was completely hands-off, I did all of the work.  I can happily say that I still have all of my eyebrow hairs.  Hooray!  

This morning, I practiced yoga.  It was my first time since I've moved in with Hubby and it was challenging!  It was a great workout though and my intention for practicing today was to "be calm."  The instructor encouraged to take our intention for practice and to carry that intention to the rest of our day.  

I was calm throughout the grilling experience and I think it really helped.  Hubby was super impressed!  RR you would be so proud of me!  Ladies, get out there and give the grill a try!  It will set you free!  It doesn't heat up the house, it is easy, and you will feel empowered.  

Halfway through the experience I caught myself singing the "Hillshire Farm" commercial -- GO MEAT!


This morning, my girl RR was on Good Morning America!  She was excellent (of course) and showed off some of her fabulous slider recipes -- including her homemade BBQ sauce recipe!  She talked about how sliders are a cheerful way to entertain and that sliders are "friendly food."  I couldn't agree more!  I can't wait -- next time we have friends over, I'm giving sliders a try!  RR graciously mentioned on the show that we could call her recipe our own, I think I might! :)  Thanks, Rach!

RR has an APP for iPhone -- Tasty Bytes.  I downloaded it immediately and love it.  Over 200 recipes, it makes a grocery list for you, lets you search...I could go on and on and on! Download it now!  It was only $1.99 (so cheap and SO worth it!)

Feeling good about grilling and cooking....maybe this challenge isn't so challenging, but it's been really fun!  All of this happiness in the kitchen (well, deck) made me wonder... What is your favorite cooking memory?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away, Now I Can't Grill Today!

So the good news is that the recipe from yesterday re-heats really well.  Tastes ten times yummier than last night’s premiere.  I’m so excited about it!  The bad news is…it’s pouring here and my big plans to tackle grilling tonight are now put on the back burner (love those corny cooking puns!).  So instead of trying a new recipe, Hubby and I are going to have a repeat of last night’s pasta, with a side of vino. J  Good thing the challenge is five nights a week.  Hubby and I don’t believe in wasting food anyway, so I’m really glad this recipe is great the second time around!  And there is so much leftover. Thanks to my BFF, RR!  (We’re not actually friends yet, we should probably meet once to make that happen, but maybe some day!)

Since I don’t have a fabulous cooking adventure to share with you this evening, I will send you some other thoughts.   First, I read an article about a month ago by RR (contributed to Women’s Health, seriously does that girl ever sleep – and I think I have no time!).  In it, she talked about how she turned to exercise when she had her mouth wired shut and couldn’t talk.  In that experience, she turned from an exercise dreading normal person (much like myself), to an exercise junkie!  I read it and at the time thought my RR was a little nuts.  Loving exercise, I don’t think so!  Hubby and I are training for our first half-marathon and it’s tough.  We notice each step we run and it’s brutal.  We are not those skinny-mini people you see running down the street at 100 mph.  These people, I’m convinced, ran their way out of the womb and have been running ever since.  I am not one of those lucky, naturally thin people. 

But today, just before the rain started, Hubby and I ran for a new record of 8 MILES!  Woohoo!!  We jogged for a solid 10 minute pace and finished in an hour and twenty minutes.  Somewhere around the 55 minute mark, I realized I was smiling!  And not just at the really cute kids in the park, but in the in-between strides too!  I think I may have finally fell in love with jogging and being fit. 

Also, bonus, it may have been my imagination, but I’m pretty sure that not as many things were jiggling around while running.  Dare I say it, I think my tummy may be shrinking!  Hubby has a barrel (my loving nickname for his beer gut – culprit, his Beer Meister in the basement) and I have a mini-girl version barrel (I blame the thesis stress eating, but Lord knows I’ve taken a trip downstairs once or twice myself to see Hubby’s friend).  Now don’t get me wrong, it was a painful 8 miles, but we did it!  I felt great afterwards and enjoyed feeling proud of myself all day.


Double bonus, I was just logging my meals, snacks, and exercise into my iPhone Lose It App, and saw that the long jog burned 739 calories! I’m so excited!  Still not losing any weight, but maybe things are turning to muscle!  Who knows, I’m just excited to feel better. Maybe I am a fitness junkie like RR! 

If I’m being completely honest, I’m sort of relieved that I didn’t have to take on the grill today, I’m a little afraid of it.  I’ve never grilled anything before in my life.  Not to send women back a few decades, but it seems like a guy’s job in life to do the grilling.  I have visions of burning off my eyebrows in a millisecond.  They are super-pale already, I can’t afford to sear them off for good!


Ladies, are any of you out there into grilling?  Any tips for tomorrow?  Also, does it infuriate you that all the meat/grilling commercials are clearly targeting men?  Cross your fingers that tomorrow I become a grilling goddess and maybe we can start a revolution! 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Challenge

Life is about challenging yourself, right?  Well, life certainly hands us many challenges, but the most meaningful ones (I believe) are the ones we create for ourselves.  So here is my challenge:

My wedding day was right before the final three months of a graduate degree.  Anyone who has gone through it will likely agree with me that the thesis is the most trying, time-consuming, and difficult part of any master’s program.  My handsome hubby is an amazing man and from day one of married life, he took on all of the household responsibilities while I finished up my degree.  He liked to joke that he was the "Hottest Housewife" around!  (Yes, he has been watching the Real Houswives Shows with me -- NYC is our favorite city!) and my go-to fun when avoiding work!  But now that I am finished with my night classes, exams, and the dreaded thesis, I plan to claim a place in the kitchen.  Really, I am out of excuses -- it's time to learn to cook! 

My mother was a Master of the Microwave and as a result, I have zero experience cooking.  I love her and she is the most amazing mother, but I don't think of food and memories when reflecting on my lovely childhood.  The Hubby has a completely different background (he grew up in an Italian home where food is the center of any and every get together from an impromptu get-together to holiday meals).  

While taking care of me, Hubby did such a phenomenal job that I am worried I won't be able to compete!  Therein lies the challenge!  Cook a new recipe for my hubby at least five days a week, with the hope of impressing him each time!  Add to the challenge -- I have one of the most stressful jobs in America today (in my humble opinion!).

Recently, I saw the movie "Julie & Julia" (and loved it). Yes, I said recently, I told you I have no time!  Now I know there is NO CHANCE that I can start of with that level of cooking, but I did feel inspired!  I plan to focus on Rachael Ray's recipes (I am convinced that she and I would be friends if we knew each other!), and sprinkle in some others to keep it fresh (yes corny food pun, I plan to add in as many as I can) throughout the year!  In my opinion, RR creates recipes for normal people…and 30 minutes is something I can handle during the week.  Anything past that is really pushing it with our really busy lives.

We are training for a half-marathon (our first ever), working (and I'm someone who brings work home each night -- except Fridays, Hubby's rule), and staying involved with each of our very large families and friends.  That last one is practically a full time job itself.

So tonight is my first night.  Attempt #1 to create a fabulous dinner.  

DINNER ONE -- Bowties with Smoked Almond Sauce, Bacon, Lettuce and Tomatoes (RR's recipe) 

August 14th, 2010 (no way was I trying yesterday on a Friday the 13th!!!!)   This recipe was taken from RR’s most recent magazine.

My Completed Dish

Avoiding bad luck or not...
It was a bit of a flop.  Sorry, Rach!  Hubby, the human garbage disposal, insists it was "pretty good" but that can be translated to "pretty bland."  I know, I tasted it myself.  I should also point out that we will eat all attempted recipes, regardless of the final product’s quality.  Despite the fact that I am a bit of a workaholic, it does not pay off monetarily (have you guessed what I do yet? Not telling!), and we cannot afford to have pizzas delivered five nights a week (not that I would mind if we did). 

Looks can be deceiving.  This little number photographed really well and looks pretty yummy.  And overall, it wasn’t awful.  Neither one of us spit anything out discreetly into a napkin.  Another promising move was that we saved leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch.  But upon examination, this was definitely not the fault of the recipe, but the “chef” executing the dish.  I would give my version a 2.5 out of 5 stars.

Problem One, I forgot an ingredient.  If I’m being truthful, I forgot it back at the grocery store, first realizing it in the checkout line.  I already had about 17 items on the conveyor belt and was too lazy to dash back to produce to get it.  Also, I got distracted looking at the Kardashians on the cover of US Weekly (love them).  So no lettuce, which is relatively embarrassing considering that it’s in the title.  RR would have probably made a clever substitution – but I am a novice here people!

But even this beginner knows that lettuce isn’t exactly the most flavorful green in the bunch so where did the flavor go?  I have a couple of theories…
1) I didn’t use “smoky” bacon as the recipe suggested, Hubby picked it out and I forgot to double check his choice (hello, I was trying to find out without paying if Courtney left Scott for good this time)!
2) This one may be really obvious, but I did not use Bowties...I opted for whole wheat pasta instead to make it healthier.  I'm not sure what impact that has on the flavors.
3) I may not have used enough parsley (how big should a “bunch” be?  I am not a good at eye-balling amounts, maybe practice will perfect that!
4) Don’t chefs taste as they go?  I didn’t.  Hmm, maybe will try that for the next one!  Maybe that could make me better at “handfuls” and “dashes”?

Is anyone else out there a Newlywed?  I am a happy one and very lucky, but I can’t help but feel like it’s hard to find “ME” now that I’m a “WE”…can anyone relate? My single friends are no longer interested in spending nights in (I think they think they are on the clock to find Mr. Right, they're not--they're hot!) and my attached friends are far away now that we've moved into our first home.  It's hard to feel like in someways, at 26, I am starting over.  And it’s not like I can go EAT, PRAY, AND LOVE for a year around the world.  After all, I'm a Newlywed with NO TIME--but I can go see the movie!  Looks great – I love Julia Roberts!  Off to convince the Hubby that he does want to see yet another chick flick! :)