Tuesday, August 24, 2010

10 K-O, what a knockout...I'm DOWN!

Well blog friends...I am in a slump.  I have been feeling under the weather since the 10K and the Hubby has reclaimed his place in the kitchen during my slump.  He's doing well and in good spirits, but I feel like RR would be disappointed with me.   She probably cooks for her Hubby even when she is sick.  Sigh.  Still, Hubby and I did finish the 10K and in great time for us...one hour and 2 minutes...exactly a ten minute mile pace!  But after the race and the days since, I've felt both beat up and blue...a combo of under the weather and mentally bruised somehow...lots of stresses in lots of areas...more on that later though.

I also got into a spat with my SILs (Sister in Laws)...they can be a tough bunch at times.  It reverts me back to high school.  There is a cool table, they are all sitting at it, occasionally glaring over at me -- letting me know there is no room for me there, best to stick at the lame table.  Which I do.  Anyway, said spat was really ridiculous (as all high school arguments are), and I'd rather not comment about it anymore...does anyone else struggle to get "in" with their new family?

The bottom line is Hubby is super supportive, but I feel badly when he is put in the middle.  I am so lucky though, most wives complain that their Hubby's never consider their point of view when it comes to the fam...I am so lucky!  Still, I won't pretend I'm always right -- I will just say that I try.  I do not always succeed (in fact most often I fail miserably in the new family department).  I keep looking forward to the day when I have a baby to look after the entire time, so it won't be as obvious that I am just there not fitting in...then I will be busy.  Until then, I will continue to try, try, try.... eventually I will have to improve -- right?!

Well, I've missed my training and my cooking...here's hoping that tomorrow goes better than today.   As the Japanese proverb says..."Fall seven times, stand up eight."

I am standing up tomorrow.  Are you?

1 comment:

  1. Wow. How do your posts seem to coincide with how I feel or my life in general? That is kind of freaky. Maybe someone is looking out for us both. I struggle with a similar department--not with sister-in-law's, I only have one and she's great! I'm an only child, so it's nice having her as a friend! I could give you tips, chat with you further on this subject if you'd like, but I don't really want to get into it in your comments section or on my blog ... I'm sure you know why. (ourdogbuffy@gmail.com) we can share life's little stories and surprises! On another note, good for you with the 10K, as I said in my comments section, I'd been wondering how you did! I'm too afraid to let my husband cook, afraid he'll be better than me or use an ingredient that will make me freak out (i.e. not as healthy as it could be! Isn't that sad?!) He has cooked a couple times since we got married, April 2009. I bet RR orders in when she's sick. I'm sorry you are blue. Take a bubble bath? Read a good book? Do something for you! :-) I plan to stand up tomorrow. The end of your post made me smile. Thanks! I am going to exercise a little--but mostly read and take a bubble bath in between cleaning and watching America's Got Talent!
